Na' Neelzhiin Ji Olta' (NJO) School is
located in the rural isolated community of Torreon, New Mexico on the
northeastern part of Navajo Nation. Comprised of the Family and Child
Education program (FACE), and Pre Kindergarten through eighth grade.
NJO's vision statement is a simple but powerful statement. The
expectation placed on our students, teachers and staff is rigorous. We
want all stakeholders to, "Learn, Grow and Succeed!" NJO believes that
given the right tools and time there is no cap on what a person can
learn. Our students drive our pride; they are the legacy we will leave
behind. The student body epitomizes our vision statement to the core,
Learn, Grow and Succeed.
Enrollment Documents Needed:
- Certificate Of Indian Blood (CIB)
- Social Security Card
- Current Immunization Records
Carousel Placeholder
Registration Drive:
Tuesday, July 23, 2024